Vadnica za SAP Profit Center: Ustvarjanje, združevanje, objavljanje & Načrtovanje


Zakaj je potreben profitni center?

Primarni cilj profitnega centra je predstavljati samostojno organizacijsko podenoto, ki deluje praktično neodvisno na trgu, nosi odgovornost za lastne stroške in prihodke ter jo je mogoče razširiti in postati investicijsko središče ali pa jo je mogoče obravnavati kot družbo znotraj podjetja. Pristop profitnega centra vključuje vse večjo ponovno vzpostavitev notranjega in zunanjega računovodstva, ki deluje kot povezovalni člen med dvema konceptoma računovodstva.

Profit Center Accounting pomaga pri odgovarjanju na naslednja vprašanja:

  1. Kolikšen je prihodek?
  2. Koliko znašajo stroški proizvedenega blaga?
  3. Koliko znaša stopnja prispevka?
  4. Koliko znašajo administrativni stroški in stroški prodaje?
  5. Kolikšen je dobiček iz poslovanja?

Analize ROI, EVA in denarnega toka so možne na ravni profitnega centra.

Ustvari Profit Center

Korak 1) V ukazno polje SAP vnesite transakcijsko kodo KE51

Korak 2) Na naslednjem zaslonu vnesite kontrolno območje, v katerem naj bi se ustvaril profitni center

Korak 3) Na naslednjem zaslonu vnesite edinstven Id za Profit Center

Korak 4) Na naslednjem zaslonu vnesite naslednje

  1. Vnesite ime profitnega centra
  2. Vnesite kratek opis profitnega centra
  3. Vnesite osebo, odgovorno za profitni center
  4. Vnesite skupino profitnih centrov, ki ji pripada profitni center.

Korak 5) Pritisnite gumb »Shrani«, če želite shraniti profitno središče iz standardne orodne vrstice SAP

Dobiček se shrani v neaktivnem načinu


6. korak) Pritisnite gumb 'Aktivacija' za aktivacijo profitnega centra v orodni vrstici aplikacije

Korak 7) V statusni vrstici preverite stanje ustvarjanja profitnega centra.

Skupina Profit Center

Korak 1) V ukazno polje SAP vnesite transakcijsko kodo KCH1

Korak 2) Na naslednjem zaslonu vnesite kontrolno območje, v katerem bo ustvarjena skupina profitnih mest

Korak 3) Na naslednjem zaslonu vnesite edinstven ID skupine profitnih centrov, ki jo želite ustvariti

Step 4) In the next screen, Enter a short description for the Profit center group

Step 5) Press 'Save' button , from the SAP Standard Toolbar to create the profit center group

Step 6) Check the Statusbar for the creation of the profit center group

Profit Center Posting

Posting to Profit Center Via Financial Document (FI Interface)

Step 1) Enter Transaction code FB50 in the SAP Command Field

Step 2) In the next screen , Enter the following header data

  1. Enter Document Date
  2. Enter Company code

Step 3) Enter the Following Line Item Data

  1. Enter Debit G/L Account
  2. Select Debit
  3. Enter Debit Amount
  4. Enter Credit G/L Account
  5. Select Credit
  6. Enter Credit Amount

Step 4) After Enter the Line items ,

  1. Select the Debit Line Item
  2. Press Choose Detail button

Step 5) In the next detail line item screen, Enter the Profit Center

Step 6) Press 'Save' button from SAP standard toolbar to post the document

Step 7) Check the status bar for the Document number for the confirmation of posting

Profit Center Planning

Planning Process is not a one-time activity, but rather an iterative process, which is usually performed in several steps.Profit center planning is an integral part of your overall company planning. The integral character of business planning is particularly apparent within the context of Profit Center Accounting, as the planning data used here is largely created in other applications (such as Cost Center Accounting) and can be supplemented or changed in Profit Center Accounting. Profit center planning is part of shortterm business planning and thus encompasses a span of one fiscal year. During the profit center planning process, Individual planning areas are combined into an integrated planning network. We can use various plan versions in order to depict various planning Profit center planning offers us the following methods of planning:

  1. Copying existing plan or actual data to a plan
  2. Posting plan data by period or simultaneously by transaction from other applications
  3. Manual planning of profit centers
  4. Distribution and Assessment of data between profit centers
  5. Various plan reports for comparison of different plan versions

SAP Profit Center tcodes

Code Description
PROF Profit center Accounting Enterprice Controlling
KE5Z Profit center: Actual Line Items Enterprice Controlling
9KE0 Create profit center Document Enterprice Controlling
3KEI Derive Default profit center Enterprice Controlling
KE51 Create profit center Enterprice Controlling
KE52 Change profit center Enterprice Controlling
KE53 Display profit center Enterprice Controlling
2KES Profit center: Balance carr'd forw. Enterprice Controlling
KCH3 Display profit center hierarchy Enterprice Controlling
2KEE Profitni center: Totals Records Enterprice Controlling
S_AC0_52000888 Obveznosti: profitni center FI
KCH2 Spremenite hierarhijo profitnega centra Enterprice Controlling
KCH1 Ustvari profitni center Group Enterprice Controlling
KE54 Izbrišite profitne centre Enterprice Controlling