Skoraj vsa spletna mesta priporočajo vrsto knjig, bralci pa se zmedeno odločajo, katero kupiti. To zmedo želimo odpraviti in priporočamo TOP 15 knjig, ki jih mora po naših izkušnjah prebrati vsak začetnik Java.
1) Head First Java, 2. izdaja
Če kupite samo eno knjigo Java, je to to. Bralci ga ljubkovalno imenujejo "Biblija". To je NAJBOLJ PRODAJNA knjiga JAVA vseh časov. Head First Java omogoča dostop do informacij, ki jih mora poznati vsak programer Java. Večina knjig Java, napisanih danes, je namenjenih naprednim razvijalcem, vendar je Head First Java upošteval težave, s katerimi se srečujejo začetniki Java. Nikoli prej ni pristop k usposabljanju za Javo, knjige pa za učinkovito učenje uporabljajo Vintage slike, uganke, vaje za kode, dražljivke itd. Knjiga se vam bo zdela dobro strukturirana, informativna in intuitivna za krmarjenje.
Na Amazonu preverite najnovejše cene in mnenja uporabnikov2) Učinkovita Java (2. izdaja)
Bi radi poiskali praktična navodila za svoje programe programiranja Java, vendar ne veste, koga vprašati? - No, to je tvoja knjiga. Joshua Bloch, avtor knjige Effective Java, izvrstno opisuje najboljše prakse, ki se vam bodo kot razvijalcu zdele koristne vsak dan.
Ne glede na to, ali ste novinec, razvijalec ali menedžer, se lahko naučijo ogromne doze modrosti, saj tudi za izkušenega razvijalca Java Effective Java vsebuje kar nekaj odpiračev za oči.
Na Amazonu preverite najnovejše cene in mnenja uporabnikov3) Naučite se Jave v enem dnevu: Izpolnite vodnik za začetnike
Learn Java in 1 Day vam bo pomagal pri učenju osnov programiranja Java. Nagovarja osnovne najemnike Jave in OOPS kot nobena druga knjiga. Ta izdaja je bila posodobljena tako, da se usklajuje z Java 8 in vključuje nove možnosti za najnovejša orodja in tehnike.
Knjiga vas bo seznanila z različnimi koncepti kodiranja JAVA, kot so odločitve, zanke, nizi, metode, spremenljivke, lambda izrazi itd., Pa tudi kratek uvod v različne okvire, ki jih podpira, kot so Java SE8, Java Swing, Java Oracle, Java Eclipse itd. Poimenovano Nauči se Java v enem dnevu je knjiga dovolj, da si umažeš roke z Javo.
Na Amazonu preverite najnovejše cene in mnenja uporabnikov4) Osnovni del Java Java - osnove (11. izdaja)
Knjiga o osnovah Java Java Volume I, ki jo je napisal Horstmann, je idealna knjiga za začetnike in izkušene programerje. Ta knjiga zajema večino tem, ki jih programer Java potrebuje za katero koli raven izkušenj. Najboljše pri tej knjigi je, da jo je lahko prebrati nekomu, ki ne prihaja iz računalništva.
This fundamentals book includes many pages covering such topics as Reflection, Proxies, Class Loader, etc.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon5) Mastering Java Machine Learning
Mastering Java Machine Learning book written by Uday Kamath covers many topics that are useful today in machine learning. The book offers fundamental knowledge of linear algebra, probability, and statistics. The book contains 10 real-world case study highlighting various techniques of machine learning.
This Java book covers many essential topics that are made with the help of case studies using a Java library or a tool. It also covers standard issues such as text-mining, classification, clustering, big data, and, machine learning.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon6) AI Algorithms, Data Structures, and Idioms in Prolog, Lisp, and Java
This Java book is useful for studying Programming Languages and AI Programming. It's meant as practical addition to a theory-driven book by the same authors. This book covers a lot of ground but not very comprehensively.
It also includes important topics like a simple production-like system based on logic, logic-based learning, and natural language parsing.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon7) Java Deep Learning Projects
Java Deep Learning project is a useful book for a data scientist, machine learning professionals who like to expand their knowledge by learning Java deeply.The book helps you to develop advanced deep learning models and teaches you how to do complex numerical computations. You should have a basic understanding of machine learning concepts and a working knowledge of Java to learn this book.
The book covers many important machine learning concepts like neural network architectures,object detection, online trading, transfer learning, and how to use factorization machines for advanced movie recommendations.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon8) Java: A Beginner's Guide, 7th Edition
The author Herbert Schildt helps you to learn the basics of Java language to more advanced topics without complicated jargon. This seventh edition covers the new released Java 9. It is also an ideal book for more experienced programmers who want to keep themselves updated with new features of Java 9.
Apart from experienced JAVA programmers, fresher programmers also find this volume useful. This Java book is helping them to get a grip on Java. This book provides great coding references to professional developer.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon9) Murach's Java Servlets and JSP, 3rd Edition
This book is a 3rd edition of Murach's Java Servlets, and JSP makes it easier for any new programmer to getting started with Java programming. Book also shows how you can install and use the Tomcat server and the NetBeans IDE. The book illustrates how to use JSPs and servlets to build secure web applications that implement the MVC pattern. It covers chapters for how to use sessions, cookies, JavaBeans, and custom tags.
It also teaches how to work with JavaMail, SSL connections, encryption, authentication, filters, and listeners. It covers an introduction to JSF to expand your perspective on Java web programming.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon10) High-Performance Java Persistence 1st Edition
High-Performance Java Persistence 1st Edition written by Vlad Mihalce is a must-read book for those who want to excel his skill for developing various types of Java application.
It is an ideal reference book for every Java developer that needs to interact with a relational database. There are many Java books in the market which covers the basic topics. However, this book offers a lot of stuff about database systems in general, as well as JDBC and Hibernate
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon11) Java: A Step-by-Step Guide for beginners
Java: A Step-by-Step Guide for beginners book written by Daniell Bell introduce you to some basic concepts of Java. It also teaches Java language, features of Java, and how you can install Java on your system.
This book helps any beginner develop to learn Java concepts quickly and easily. The book offers a complete concept and gives in-depth knowledge of the object-oriented philosophy behind Java. This a surely an ideal book for beginners who wants to learn java and become master in a short period.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon12) Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies 5th Edition
Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies written by Dr. Barry Burd is easy to understand programming book. While you are being taught by reading the book, you can write a program by reading examples step-by-step.
In this 560 pages book, you will also learn how to install the Eclipse IDE step-by-step, and with that, you can practice coding. This book covers many questions and exercises to reinforce your understanding of Java.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon13) Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach 2nd Edition
It offers basic elements of programming like variables, data types, assignment statements conditionals, loops, arrays, and I/O. It also includes detail information about graphics and sound, functions, modules, libraries, etc.
The book also covers a plethora of practice problems. Moreover, a summary is given after every chapter and many supplementary exerciser and solutions also given in this book.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon14) Learn Java: A Crash Course Guide to Learn Java in 1 Week
A Crash Course Guide to Learn Java is a book written by Timothy C. Needham. This java book makes it easy to learn the basics. There are many other Java books which cover topics without much explanation and proper examples.
This book guide you to write a program step by step. This book is ideal for learning the basics of Java language.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon15) Java in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself (Covering Java 9)
This book teaches you easy Java programming in just 24 lessons of one hour. The book uses a straightforward, step-by-step approach. It helps you increase your development skills requires to create desktop and web programs, web services, an Android app in Java.
This book also includes many Quizzes and Exercises at the end of each chapter. It helps you to test your knowledge. It contains notes, tips, offers related information, advice, and warnings.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon16) Java Concurrency in Practice 1st Edition
Java Concurrency in Practice is a reference book written by Brain Goetz. The book offers an inventory of concurrency APIs and mechanisms. It also includes design rules, patterns, and mental models that make it easier to build concurrent programs.
This Java book covers basic concepts of concurrency and thread safety, techniques for building and composing thread-safe classes, and testing concurrent programs. This book also covers advanced topics like atomic variables, nonblocking algorithms, and the Java Memory Model.
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