Material Master Views in SAP: The Ultimate Guide



In this tutorial, we will cover all the MM views with the implication on vital processes in standard SAP system. You will see how each of the views is created, its obligatory data, optional fields, and how its creation reflects the system. This tutorial is 7000 words+. For easy reference , we have created a clickable index below , which will take you to various sections of the tutorial

  • Basic Views
  • Classification View
  • Sales Organization Data 1
  • Sales Organization Data 2
  • Sales General / Plant View
  • Foreign Trade / Export View
  • MRP View 1
  • MRP View 3
  • MRP 4 View
  • Plant data - Storage 1 View
  • Upravljanje skladišč 1 Pogled
  • Upravljanje skladišč 2 Pogled
  • Upravljanje kakovosti Pogled
  • Računovodstvo 2 Pogled
  • Stroški 1 Pogled
  • Stroški 2 Pogled
  • Pogled nabave
  • Pogled na uvoz zunanje trgovine
  • Ogled besedila naročilnice
  • Dodatni podatki

Osnovni pogledi

Osnovni pogledi so pogledi s splošnimi informacijami o našem gradivu. Obvezna polja, ki jih morate vstaviti, da shranite spremembe, so

  1. Opis materiala: LCD TV 40 "- to je mogoče vzdrževati v različnih jezikih.
  2. Osnovna merska enota (pogosto imenovan kot osnovno UOM ): PCS - to je merska enota, v kateri je material, zaloge upravlja. Za televizor je naravno, da je kos. Uporabite lahko tudi meter, kilogram ali katero koli drugo enoto, ki ste jo določili in je primerna za material.
  3. Oddelek : 10 - Oddelek za material, lahko ustvarite oddelke 10, 20, 30, 40 za končne izdelke, blago, storitve in druge materiale, tako da jih lahko razvrstite na ta način. Za svoj material smo izbrali oddelek 10, saj gre za končne izdelke.
  4. Splošno Skupina kategorij izdelkov: NORM - standardni izdelek. Ta kazalnik, ki se uporablja v celotnem sistemu, vpliva na prodajo in predelavo zalog, saj se uporablja pri določanju kategorije artiklov.
  5. Enota teže : Kg - enota, v katero se vnese teža izdelka.
  6. Bruto teža : 26.988 - bruto teža 1 enote izdelka v masni enoti . Neto teža : 24.651 - neto teža 1 enote izdelka v masni enoti

Osnovni podatki - neobvezna polja

Skupina materiala - tukaj lahko vnesete skupino materialov Hierarhija izdelka - to polje se uporablja pri prodaji in distribuciji in se ohranja v pogledu Organizacija prodaje 1. EAN / UPC - EAN koda materiala se poleg uporabe pri črtnem kodiranju še posebej uporablja pri upravljanju skladišč kot edinstven identifikator za kombinacijo materiala in paketov. En material ima lahko več črtnih kod. Eno za osnovno mersko enoto. Vsaka alternativna merska enota ima lahko tudi svoj EAN, vendar to ni pogoj, ampak možnost. Druga polja niso obvezna. OPOMBA: V zgornjem delu (označen z zeleno) si lahko ogledate poglede, ki jih je mogoče ohraniti za trenutni material. Krmarite lahko s klikom na ustrezno ime pogleda.

Pogled klasifikacije

Materiale lahko razvrstimo tako, da jih kasneje najdemo glede na njihov razred, značilnosti serije itd. Recimo, da imamo veliko televizorjev z različnimi dimenzijami barv itd. Ustvarite lahko dva razreda: dimenzijski in barvni. Kasneje lahko z njim poiščete vse črne televizorje ali televizorje določene dimenzije.

Vrste razredov so na voljo v standardnem SAP

Z izbiro razreda materiala - 001 razširjate gradivo za ta razred. Zdaj moramo dodati razred, ki ga želimo uporabiti za svoje gradivo. Predavanje, imenovano Splošno, bi lahko sestavljalo dve značilnosti : barva in dimenzija ali kar koli, kar bi lahko potrebovali med kategorizacijo materialov ali iskanjem v MM modulu ali drugih modulih. Po predavanju gradiva lahko ohranite lastnosti, ki jih vsebuje ta razred. V našem primeru imamo razred z imenom Splošno, ki vsebuje lastnosti Barva in Dimenzija . Zapolnimo lahko ustrezna polja.

Dodelitev razreda in vzdrževanje vrednosti lastnosti

Dobra praksa je, da v opis materiala vključite tudi barvo izdelka; je zelo koristen drugim uporabnikom. Na primer med ustvarjanjem prodajnih naročil v SD, za branje in predpostavljene procese pri upravljanju skladišč, oddelku nabave, načrtovanju proizvodnje itd. Zdaj lahko shranite spremembe.

Shranjevanje pogleda klasifikacije

Podatki prodajne organizacije 1

Ko izberete ta pogled, se prikaže zaslon z organizacijskimi nivoji. Tu lahko izberete, za katero tovarno, prodajno organizacijo in distribucijski kanal želite razširiti svoj material.

Po potrditvi organizacijskih ravni se vam prikaže zaslon, ki vsebuje podatke o prodajnih aktivnostih. Edino obvezno polje je dostavna enota. Drugi niso obvezni, vendar bodo morda potrebni za uporabo nekaterih naprednih funkcij. Če želite na primer uporabiti profil dinamičnega zaokroževanja (mora ga prilagoditi svetovalec za SD), morate vzdrževati polje Profil zaokroževanja. Ugotovimo, katera so najpomembnejša polja v prodajnih pogledih. Najpomembnejše pri prodajnih pogledih je, da so odprti. Ko to storimo, lahko ljudje iz modula SD prodajajo naš material prek te prodajne organizacije / kanala. V bistvu bi morali le izpolniti polje enote za dostavo in shraniti podatke, material pa bo takoj na voljo za uporabo. Da bi bolje razumeli prodajno organizacijo,mislite na to kot na pisarno, ki prodaja vaše izdelke. V tej pisarni imate ljudi, ki prodajajo izdelke v vaši državi - uporabljajo distribucijski kanal 01, ljudje, ki prodajajo v tujino, pa izvozni oddelek, ki bi bil kanal 02. Na spodnjem zaslonu lahko vidite vsa polja iz prodajne organizacije 1 Pogled.

Davčna kategorija / kazalnik : Za notranjo prodajo bomo morali določiti popoln davčni kazalnik, saj se davek uporablja za prodajo znotraj države. Za izvoz (na primer z oddelkom 02) bi to nastavili na 0 - brez davka. Pravzaprav je odvisno od davčne politike vaše države, toda večina držav ima to prakso, ki sem jo omenil. Dostavna enota : v večini primerov je to prva alternativna merska enota (škatla, paleta, kaj drugega). Vidite lahko, da bomo tukaj opredelili 1 paleto PAL kot dostavno enoto, vendar to ne pomeni, da lahko prodajamo samo celotno paleto. Lahko bomo prodali tudi en kos tega materiala, sistem pa bo prodajalcu nakazal, da naj bi bil ta material dobavljen kot 12 kosov na paleti. Osnovna merska enota: to polje je zasenčeno, saj je že določeno v pogledu osnovnih podatkov 1 in ga kasneje ni mogoče spremeniti. Divizija : to je divizija, ki smo jo pravkar izbrali na zaslonu organizacijskih ravni pred trenutnim zaslonom. Prodajna enota : Če polje ne vsebuje vnosa, sistem domneva, da je merska enota osnovna merska enota. Če kosov ne želite uporabljati kot privzeto prodajno mersko enoto, lahko v to polje vnesete ustrezno mersko enoto. To bo odražalo prodajne dokumente na ta način: - Prodajna enota ni definirana. Prodajalec vnese količino 4 brez navedbe merske enote. Sistem bo domneval, da je zahtevana količina 4 kosi - prodajna enota je opredeljena kot paleta. Sistem bo domneval, da je zahtevana količina 4 paleteProdajna enota ni spremenljiva : to potrditveno polje se uporablja v primerih, ko zahtevamo, da se material prodaja samo v prodajni enoti. Če prodajno enoto nastavite na PAL in potrdite to polje, bo prodajalec lahko prodal ta material samo z alternativno mersko enoto PAL. To se uporablja redko. Skupina merske enote : Uporablja se predvsem v povezavi z dinamičnim profilom zaokroževanja in je indikator, ki predstavlja skupino merskih enot, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti za ta material. Skupina materialov: skupina materialov, o kateri smo razpravljali med prikazom osnovnih podatkov. Min.naročilo količina: To je minimalna količina naročila, sprejeta za ta material. Min.dely. Količina: To je minimalna količina za dostavo tega materiala.Profil zaokroževanja : Tu lahko izberete določen profil zaokroževanja za material. Svetovalec za SD mora ustvariti profile, ki bodo prikazani kot možni vnosi v to polje.

Podatki prodajne organizacije 2

Z enakimi organizacijskimi nivoji lahko ustvarimo podatke prodajne organizacije 2 Oglejte si in ohranite njene podatke. To stališče je večinoma statistično in razvrščeno v skupine.

Pomembni podatki prodajne organizacije 2 Ogled polj

  • Skupina statističnih podatkov o materialu : To je kazalnik, ki določa, ali naj bo to gradivo vključeno v statistične transakcije v SD modulu MCSI . V večini sistemov se ta indikator najpogosteje uporablja za nastavitev na 1.
  • Splošna skupina kategorij predmetov : privzeta skupina kategorij predmetov za ta material na podlagi nastavitev vrste materiala. Ne morete ga spremeniti.
  • Hierarhija izdelkov : Ta hierarhija se uporablja za namene poročanja, tako da lahko vodstvo prodaje analizira podatke o prodaji na podlagi te hierarhije. Sestavljen je iz dveh nivojev. Na primer, prva raven hierarhije so lahko LCD televizorji. Znotraj prve hierarhične ravni lahko najdemo več kot eno drugo raven, v našem primeru pa imamo lahko LCD TV 40 ", LCD TV 32", LCD TV 26 "znotraj naše prve ravni, ki je LCD TV. Druga raven bi bila Plazemska televizija. Na tej prvi stopnji lahko vzdržujemo plazemsko televizijo 22 ", plazmo TC 32", plazmo TV 40 ". Vsaka prva stopnja hierarhije vsebuje edinstvene hierarhije druge ravni.
  • Skupina za dodelitev računov : to polje predstavlja računovodske zahteve za gradivo. Pogosto različne vrste materialov zahtevajo različne računovodske zahteve (končni izdelki, blago, storitve, storitve se ne obračunavajo na enak način). To je točka integracije z moduli FI / CO.
  • Skupina kategorij elementov : kopirana je iz polja 2- Splošni izdelek cat.grp, vendar je to skupina kategorij, ki je dodeljena določenemu distribucijskemu kanalu. Lahko ga spremenite v nasprotju s poljem št. 2 in s tem poljem lahko upravljate, kako se bo isti material uporabljal pri prodaji v različnih kanalih. Na primer, morda želite, da ima material v tujih prodajnih dejavnostih drugačno kategorijo izdelkov, kot je privzeta. Spreminja se predvsem v skladu z navodili ekipe SD. Hierarhija izdelka - izbira ustrezne hierarhije na vnaprej določenem seznamu:Verjetno ste že pomislili, kako težko je vzdrževati hierarhijo izdelkov. Vidite samo kup številk. Težko je vedeti, katere številke so primerne za določen material. Poleg tega, da so to informacije, ki bi vam jih morala posredovati ekipa za prodajo in distribucijo, obstaja tudi enostaven način brskanja po vseh hierarhijah. Ko pritisnete gumb, ki prikazuje možne vnose za polje, pridete do tega zaslona:

Prva stopnja hierarhije

Po izbiri ustrezne prve stopnje kliknite gumb Naslednja stopnja, tako kot na zgornjem zaslonu. Odprli vas bodo na zaslon z možnimi vnosi za drugo stopnjo hierarhije. Kot lahko vidite v glavi tega zaslona, ​​kaže, da je ta druga stopnja hierarhije za prvo raven 00100 - LCD TV:

Druga stopnja hierarhije

Končni rezultat je kot na spodnjem zaslonu:

Hierarhija izdelka v pogledu podatkov prodajne organizacije 2 Pogled

Druga polja v prodajni organizaciji Podatki 2 Ogled skupine rabatov: skupina, ki se uporablja za poravnavo rabatov, lahko nastavite na največji popust, nižji rabat, odvisno od nastavitev v modulu SD, te podatke naj bi zagotovila ekipa SD. Referenčni material o cenah : glavni zapis gradiva, ki ga je treba uporabiti kot referenco za namene določanja cen. Skupina provizij: isto komisijo lahko dodelite več gradivu, če je provizija enaka za oba (na primer 5%). Skupina za določanje cen materiala: uporablja se za razvrščanje materiala po enakih postopkih določanja cen. Kasneje je v SD stanju mogoče na podlagi tega polja ustvariti zapis stanja, razen standardnih (hierarhija izdelkov). Skupino za določanje cen materiala lahko kombinirate s številko stranke, da ustvarite pogoj. Atributi izdelka : materialu lahko dodelite različne atribute izdelka in preverite, ali stranka sprejema ta atribut izdelka.

Splošni prodajni / rastlinski pogled

Ta pogled vsebuje informacije o splošnih prodajnih značilnostih materiala. Vzdržuje se na ravni rastlin.

Obvezna polja

  • Preverjanje razpoložljivosti : zelo pomemben atribut, ki se uporablja za določanje metode preverjanja razpoložljivosti zalog. Te metode opredeli ekipa za prilagajanje in lahko vključujejo zaloge na skladiščih, lahko pa jih nastavite tudi tako, da vključujejo količine v procesnih in proizvodnih naročilih, načrtovana naročila, količine pri prenosu v obrat, iz katerega se prodaja itd.
  • Nakladalna skupina : izjemno pomembno polje, saj se uporablja pri določanju točke pošiljanja. Izbirna polja v prodaji - Splošni / nadomestni del Pogled na obrat : določa, ali je ta material nadomestni del ali ne. Skupina tovornih materialov : uporablja se za razvrščanje materialov, da se razvrstijo po tovorni kodi in razredu. Upravljanje serij: Označuje, ali se material upravlja v serijah ali ne. Zahtevan potrjen zapis o seriji : določa, ali je treba predložiti odobritev serije, preden je serijo mogoče prenesti z omejene na neomejeno zalogo. Skupina za prevoz: način združevanja materialov z enakimi prevoznimi potrebami. Uporablja se v modulu SD za razporejanje poti v prodajnih naročilih in dostavah. Primer: če imate materiale, ki jih je treba previdno prevažati, saj so krhki, drugi pa ne. Čas nastavitve, čas obdelave , osnovna količina : ta tri polja se uporabljajo za izračun časa, potrebnega za pošiljanje materiala, prvo je čas, v katerem boste nastavili naprave za pošiljanje, drugo je čas obdelave na osnovno količino (tretje). Skupina materialov - Embalažni materiali : to polje se uporablja za razvrščanje materialov s podobnimi zahtevami glede embalažnih materialov. Negativne zaloge: Če potrdite to polje, boste dovolili negativne zaloge tega materiala v tej tovarni. To zahteva tudi nastavitev vašega svetovalca za MM na ravni mesta shranjevanja (pri prilagajanju). Profitni center : dodelite ustrezen profitni center za gradivo za namene nadzora modula. To pomeni, da bo dobiček iz tega materiala dodeljen profitnemu centru, določenemu na tem področju. Na primer, če je to končni izdelek, ki s prodajo ustvari dobiček, boste morda želeli izbrati profitno središče za prihodke od prodaje. Odvisno je tudi od odločitve vodstva. Uprava bi morda raje uporabila kakšen drug ključ za računovodstvo profitnega centra. Profil serijske številke in raven serializacije: ti nadzorujejo serializacijo izdelka (če je ta aktiven), profil, ki se uporablja za serijsko številko, in raven serializacije, ki bi bila lahko glede na številko materiala itd. Profil distribucije : signali, kje bo dohodno (nabavljeno) blago distribuirano v naši tovarni .

Zunanja trgovina / izvoz

Ta pogled vsebuje informacije o tovornem prometu, zunanji trgovini, izvozu materialov.

Obvezna polja v tem pogledu so:

  1. Številka blaga / uvozna koda za zunanjo trgovino : To polje vsebuje bodisi kodo bodisi tarifno številko. Je edinstvena standardizirana kodirana vrednost za določeno vrsto blaga.
  2. Skupina za izvoz izvoza : sistem lahko s skupinami za izvoz / uvoz predlaga postopek izvoza za izvozne / uvozne procese v SAP.
  3. Country of origin: it represents the country where this material has been produced. If it's finished goods produced in-house you will enter your country code here (in our example it is DE - Germany). Other fields All the characteristics for sales views are supposed to be provided by the sales department (sales, freight), the role of a material master specialist/user is only to maintain them accurately. Some other information you can be given by your sales department to maintain in material master: CAS number: this field is only used for pharmaceutical products. PRODCOM no. - used only in EU countries for statistical purposes in production. Control code: Consumption tax control code in foreign trade. Region of origin: Besides country you can define a region in the country (for ex. Bavaria, Hessen etc.) CAP product list no. - this is the number of the material in the EU market products group list - if applicable. CAP product group: indicates a product group from CAP product list. Exemption certificate: indicating if the material has been issued a certificate that states that this material doesn't need a license for export. Exemption cert. Number: Number of the exemption certificate. Issuing date of exempt.cert. - Issuing date for an exemption certificate. Military goods: a check box indicating if the material is mainly used in military purposes.

Sales Text View

You can define a sales item text for this material for various languages to be used in the sales documents. This could be some general explanation about the material, or explanation maintained on distribution channel level. If you maintain this text it will show up on the item level in all sales documents, and also in the printing version of sales documents.

MRP View 1

MRP views are maintained mostly for production purposes. This information is supplied by the appropriate MRP controllor or someone else from production planning team. The only mandatory field in MRP 1 View is Planning type. We will cover the most important fields used in a productive environment in more detail.

Purchasing group: this field is used to indicate which purchasing group is the default for purchasing this material. We haven't maintained it yet as this is a finished product of our company, we don't need it to be purchased at any time. We will set up this field for another material that needs to be purchased.

  • ABC indicator: This is an indicator showing the importance of the material in terms of stock availability. Most of the companies use several ABC values, but most common are: A - the most important materials, they need to be available for sales in every moment customer requests it, B - less important materials that are often supposed to be available but the lack of this material can happen and is allowed, C - Least important materials. There can also be few more categories, N - new, material not yet tested on the market, so we don't actually know if it's going to be A, B or C yet. S - material that is produced only on customer request, and D - same as S with the difference that it has a certain quantity on stock just in case someone needs it ASAP, in production planning it is called a material safety stock.
  • MRP type: there are various types of MRP that can be utilized. In this case, our MRP controller signalled that it should be PD - default MRP for most of the SAP installations.
  • MRP controller: MRP controller responsible for production of this material, he manages all the data in these MRP views, along with the MRP results itself, production planning for this material etc. It is usual that the MRP controller provides the data for MRP views, or even in some organizational structures MRP controllers are maintaining these views on their own.
  • Lot size: defines the procedure used by the system in order to calculate the procurement or production quantity of the material. Other fields in this view MRP group: this setting is used to group materials with same MRP control parameters which are, for example, the strategy group, the consumption mode, etc. If this field is not maintained, the system will use material group from Basic Data 1 when performing the MRP. Plant-Specific Material Status: If set, this indicates the usability of material in special functions, for example, material can be used for Testing or is going to be discontinued, so the MRP doesn't take it into account when it runs. This setting could restrict the use of material in a particular function. Reorder Point: indicates at which stock level MRP should create a new order (either procurement or production order). Planning cycle: cycle of planning, it is defined in customizing and assigned to a material, it can represent a day on which the planning is performed. Minimum and Maximum lot size, Fixed lot size: used to indicate the boundaries for lot size, or a fixed quantity to be used. Ordering costs: fixed cost per order in company code currency, used to calculate the optimal lot size. Rounding Profile and Unit of Measure Group: like the fields in sales views, these are the same fields you can populate with rounding type to purchasing or production (if applicable). Rounding value: it is used in procurement for rounding the procurement quantity to a value of multiple of the number entered here.

MRP View 2

MRP view 2 contains data about Procurement, Scheduling, and Net requirements calculation.

  • Procurement type: here you can choose if your material has internal production (our case), external procurement, or both types of procurements are possible. It also mightn't have procurement at all.
  • Production storage location: here you will maintain the storage location that is copied throughout the production documents. If this is a production component this marks the location from which the goods issue is posted, or if it's produced material it annotates a location to which the material receipt is posted.
  • Goods Receipt Processing Time in Days: you can set up this value that represents needed time in days for goods to be inspected and placed into appropriate storage location.
  • Schedule margin key: this represents a key used for determination of the floats required for scheduling an order. It is defined in customizing and is supplied by your MRP controllor or PP administrator. Other fields in this view Special procurement: used to override the procurement type. Batch entry: indicates when the batch determination should be executed. Default supply area: if you define it this will be a proposed supply area for the material, it's mostly used for KANBAN type of materials. Backflush: determines if backflush indicator is to be set in the production order. Storage location for external procurement: storage location to be proposed in the purchase requisition. Stock determination group: this indicator along with the stock determination rule create a key for the stock determination strategy Co-product: if checked, indicates that this material can also be used as a co-product. Bulk material: this identifies a bill of materials item as a bulk material. This is important as requirements of bulk materials are not relevant for the MRP. Safety stock: quantity in base UOM to use as a safety stock. Minimum safety stock: Safety stock in never allowed to drop below this value.

MRP View 3

MRP view 3 contains several valuable fields mostly used by planning functions.

  • Period indicator: indicates if material is to be planned/forecast monthly, weekly, yearly, daily etc. This is in most cases set to monthly.
  • Strategy group: used for grouping the planning strategies, for example, this can be set to Make to Order, Make to Stock etc. There are a number of options, and this must be defined by the production planning management. In most cases, material types and/or material ABC classification influences the decision which strategy group material should be assigned.
  • Consumption mode: this controls how system will consume requirements. In backward mode sales, orders, dependent requirements or material reservations consume planned independent requirements that lie before the requirements date while in forward mode they consume planned independent requirements that lie after the requirements date.
  • Forward consumption period: number of day used as a consumption threshold in forward consumption mode. Can be set from 1 to 999 days but usually not longer than several days. We are using 0 since we are utilizing backward consumption mode for this material.
  • Backward consumption period: Same as previous except it is used for backward consumption mode.
  • Mixed MRP: defines if material is available for subassembly planning and gross requirements planning.

Other fields in MRP 3 View Planning material: Only for use with planning strategy "planning with planning material".

MRP 4 View

This is the only MRP view that is maintained on Plant / Storage location organizational level. It doesn't contain as much valuable fields as previous, but there are three handy indicators that can be used to optimize processes in some modules.

  • Selection method: if you are using BOMs (Bill Of Materials) for your production, you could govern with the selection of alternative BOMs with this field. You can set selection type by order quantity, production version, explosion date.
  • Discontinued indicator: you can select the indicator for discontinued part as per requirements.
  • SLoc MRP indicator: this is the most powerful indicator on this view. It tells us if our storage location (that we used in organizational levels screen - in this example 0001 - Lager 0001) is relevant for MRP. That is highly significant as it can reflect not only MRP but also ATP (available to promise) quantities. For example, if we use the default value (empty field), it means that our storage location is taken into account in our MRP runs. It is also taken into account in ATP so sales department can see the stock on this location available for sales activities. On the other hand, if you choose indicator 1 - Storage location stock excluded from MRP, this stock will not be taken into account for the MRP run, as well as it won't be available to promise (ATP) to the customer, so it couldn't be sold. If you choose indicator 2 - Manage storage location separately, it means that you want to manage this locations stock separately from plant stock (useful in some rare cases). The most obvious example for usage of this function is rejects storage location. When our LCD TV 40" comes out of the production line it can be fully functional, or it might have a flaw. If it is ready for sales we will transfer it to our 0001 location and sales department will see that quantity available to be sold. Let's say we produced 3000 TV sets. Out of that quantity there is 10 TV sets with some problems and our quality control department chooses that those cannot be sold, so these are sent to our location 0003 for rejects. In MRP 4 view, we have to maintain the indicator 1 for our rejects location 0003 as we don't want sales department to see the stock as available. We only want the other 2900 pieces available that are on the 0001 location, for which we maintain empty field for this indicator (include in MRP/ATP).

Work Scheduling View

This view is used by the production to control the scheduling of production and process orders. A production schedule determines how capacity requirements are calculated for all the materials during a scheduling run. Here, you can also activate batch management if material is to be handled in batches (certain quantities of material with slightly different characteristics). Batch management can be activated in several other views.

  • Production schedule profile: define how the process will flow in PP or PP-PI, some additional controls about automatic goods receipt etc. Customized by your PP consultant.
  • Underdelivery tolerance: define allowed percentage of quantity to be underdelivered.
  • Overdelivery tolerance: allowed percentage for quantity exceding for production or process order. For overdelivering, you can check the unlimited box - in that case we are allowing unlimited over delivery.
  • Setup time: time needed to setup and teardown work center resources (lot size independent).
  • Processing time: processing time for the base quantity.
  • Base quantity: used for processing and inhouse production time. In our case, processing time is the time needed to process 48 pieces of our material.

Plant data - Storage 1 View

Warehouse administration team should supply the data for maintenance of this view. These are mostly storage data valid on the plant level. Let's go through all the essential fields for this view.

  • Unit of issue: this is the unit in which material is issued from any storage location within the plant (except for the warehouse managed locations which have a setting that overrides this field value).
  • Temperature conditions: temperature (and atmospheric) conditions in which the material must be stored.
  • Storage conditions: storage conditions required by material.
  • Container requirements: type, and conditions in the container in which the material is shipped.
  • period: maximum period of time for which a material can be stored.
  • Minimum remaining shelf life: minimum remaining time for the material to be allowed to be stored (in case the remaining time is shorter than minimum - system will deny goods receipt).
  • Period indicator for SLED: used as a unit of time for Minimum remaining shell life. If this field contains D, than minimum remaining shelf life is maintained in days. Indicator M is for months etc.

Plant data - Storage 2 View

These fields are repeating from Basic view 1 (Weight/Volume section), and Sales - General (General Plant parameters section), we had described them when we covered those views.

Warehouse Management 1 View

This view is maintainable on Plant / Warehouse number organizational level. Warehouse number is the top hierarchy level in warehouse management in SAP. You can see positions 1 & 2 in the picture below representing Plant and Warehouse Number for which we are extending the material. Information for maintaining this view should be supplied by warehouse management administration team.

  • Plant: organizational level
  • Warehouse number: organizational level
  • WM unit: unit that is used throughout the warehouse management. Every document in WM uses this unit of measure, no matter what is the original document UOM. For example, if you create delivery for 12 pieces of LCD TV 40" and we have defined in warehouse management view that WM unit is PAL, in transfer orders (WM document for stock management) 1 PAL will be shown instead of 12 PCS as the original document (delivery)item was created.
  • Unit of issue: it is already covered in Plant Data - Storage 1 View.
  • Proposed UoM for material: this indicator determines which unit of measure should be used in warehouse management in conjunction with WM unit. This indicator can be set to use Unit of Issue (defined here in material master), Order unit (unit in which the original document was created - sales order, delivery, reservation etc.), WM unit of measure, base unit of measure, and some additional conditional possibilities (for example, if no other unit is specified use base unit of measure).
  • Stock removal strategy: to be used, a stock removal strategy suitable for this material has to be defined in customizing. For example, strategy for our material could be: first try to remove stock from high rack storage, and if there is no stock there try picking from the bulk storage area. Used when we have to pick some quantity for customer (delivery) or reservation.
  • Stock placement strategy: same as above with opposite direction, when we want to place our stock from production to our warehouse, we want the system to search different storage types (areas) for placement in the warehouse. We want the system to search in the right order for this material so we can set up the appropriate strategy.
  • Storage section indicator: when using indicators for stock removal and placement, we might encounter a problem that in the same storage type, we could have storage bins that are smaller than usual and our material cannot be placed there. That is where we can use storage section indicator, to instruct the system not to place our material in storage bins of certain section (smaller bins).
  • Bulk storage indicator: this is used to indicate a special case for using up a bulk storage type capacity. * Other fields include some special indicators, like special movement indicator, two step picking, allowing adding to existing stock in the storage bin already containing this material.

These settings are very complex and require more in-depth knowledge of Warehouse Management.

Warehouse Management 2 View

This view is maintainable on one more level than the previous view. Here are located palletization data (quantities of material and types of pallets used) in the first section which isn't maintained on storage type level but like previous view on warehouse number level. Lower section of the screen shows several fields that are storage type related settings.

  • Storage type: the storage type for which we are extending/maintaining our material. In this case, we want our LCD TV to be stored at shelf storage (we have already selected this strategy in WM 1 View).
  • Palletization data: this is information about how our material is packed onto different storage unit types. For example, our material is packed 12 pieces on Euro pallet 1m high (defined as E1 in our system).
  • Storage bin: if we wanted to store our material in a predefined storage bin we would maintain this field. In this case, we want a system to propose a bin for our material every time we are executing putaway.
  • Maximum bin quantity: this is usually a number that is maintained in palletization data, in our case 12 PCS. Used in check while placing the stock, system will not allow more than 12 PCS to be stored in one bin. Warehouse Management 2 View in material master
  • Minimum bin quantity: this should be maintained only if replenishment is active for the storage type (mostly used in fixed bin storage types). In our case, if storage bin stock falls below 1 (no more TVs in the storage bin) system would request replenishment to be made, to fill the storage bin with another pallet. This is a very complex topic and requires more in-depth knowledge of warehouse management system in SAP.
  • Picking area: like storage sections are grouping bins together in putaway process, picking areas group storage bins for picking process.
  • Control quantity: for certain strategies (min/max quantity) utilized on storage type level, this is the quantity that signals the system that if the requested quantity for picking is higher than defined in this field, system should skip this storage type and move on to the next in our stock removal strategy. This is used in cases where we want to pick small quantities of material from one type of storage, and large quantities from another storage type.
  • Replenishment quantity: when system determines that replenishment of our bin is needed it will replenish with quantity in this field. We have defined that we want replenishment when stock falls to zero, and we want it to be replenished by entire pallet - 12 pieces.

Quality management View

This view is used for material settings for quality inspection processes in Quality Management module. Administrators of that module are responsible for providing the information for maintenance of this view.

  • Inspection setup: this indicates if at least one inspection type has been set up. In the setup itself, you can choose the inspection type you want to use for this material. Setup types have to be predefined by you QM consultant. Step A: Click the Inspection setup button; Step B: choose the appropriate inspection type predefined by QM team; Step C: confirm changes.

Choosing the inspection type on a subscreen of Quality Management view

  • Post to inspection stock: specify if the material is subject to quality inspection. If this is checked, an inspection lot will be created for the inspection type assigned.
  • Material authorization group: you can define authorizations for QM users based on the authorization group, for example if you want some materials inspected by some users, and other materials by other users.
  • Inspection interval (in days): interval between recurring inspections for the same batch.
  • QM in Procurement active: activating Quality management for material in the procurement process.
  • QM control key: used to define conditions in quality inspection in procurement. You can set a delivery block, invoice block and other types of blocks until material inspection is done. Possible entries are predefined in customizing by the consultant.
  • Certificate type: quality certificate type (possible entries are predefined in customizing by QM consultant).
  • Target QM system: Required QM system by vendor. We specify if vendor needs to have ISO 9001 or other types of QM systems implemented and certified.

Data entered in this view determines the way that Accounting will be processed for this material. Data is supplied by your FI/CO team, and background customizing by your FI/CO consultant.

  • Valuation class: depending on your system settings, but valuation class is in most times influenced by material type, so you will have a valuation class for finished goods, and another for trading goods. In our case valuation class, 7920 is SAP default class for finished goods. For HALB, this class is 7900 by default, and for ROH we can use 3000.
  • Valuation Class for sales order stock: you can assign a valuation class for sales order stock to override the default valuation class defined in field 1 - Valuation Class. Not recommended.
  • Price control: this indicated which type of internal price will be used for the material. It can be set to S - standard cost, or V moving average price (variable price). In most cases, S is used for finished goods while V is used for trading goods, but the settings depend on your SD/FI/CO teams preference.
  • Moving price: you can populate this field if price control is set to V.
  • Standard price: you can populate this field if price control is set to S. Your controlling team can use transactions for generating these prices based on the information contained in production orders, purchase orders, so that these prices don't have to be entered manually for each material. We can also maintain Valuation Category field, which determines whether stocks of the material are valuated together or separately.

Accounting 2 View

This view isn't used very often in production environment, the most common setting for this view is leaving all the fields empty. Basically, it consists of special tax information in Accounting which is hardly ever relevant. Determination of the lowest value of the material, material devaluation through it's status (moving, slow moving) etc. If this view is being used by your financial Accounting department, the department should provide you the information for maintaining this view.

Costing 1 View

Costing view is used to determine the product cost. It can take various inputs, but for production the most important is the costing lot size. That means that an optimal lot size used for product cost estimate can be set here. Product can be produced in a 100 pieces lot or in a 3700 pieces lot; therefore the costing for those two situations are different. That is because there are some fixed expenses (time for setting up appropriate tool, mechanics work. In the first case, our product cost might be as high as 126 USD/pcs while in the other case, it could be 111 USD, which is remarkably different, so production has to try to plan their activities and stock levels of all materials in a plant in a way that our production lot size doesn't vary too much and be as close to our optimal lot as possible.

  • Do Not Cost: no costing is estimated. Neither material cost nor sales order cost is created, just as procurement alternatives can't be created as well. If you want costing at all, leave the field blank.
  • With quantity structure: indicates if we want to use quantity structure data for cost estimating (lot size and other quantity information).
  • Material origin: this indicates if material number should be assigned to cost element item in CO module.
  • Variance key: determines how cost variance is calculated.
  • Costing lot size: it is only useful if check box "With Qty structure" is checked. It determines the lot quantity used for a cost estimate calculation.

Costing 2 View

In figure 1 - Valuation data, we can see fields already covered in previous views (Accounting 1 view). Other than that there are fields to maintain planned prices (Standard cost estimate will be copied to Planned price if standard cost estimate is checked and created).

Purchasing View

In purchasing view, we can find several fields already present at previously covered views like Freight group, plant special material status etc. We also have few new fields available only from Purchasing view.

  • Purchasing group: you can define various purchasing groups like raw material purchasing, trading goods purchasing, service purchasing etc. This value will be the default value for all the items entered in purchasing documents.
  • Order unit: default unit used for ordering this material. We have used pallet as default so if we enter a quantity of 10 it means we are requesting 10 pallets of the material (120 pieces in this case). You can see the Purchasing values section in this view. The only field you have to populate is the Purchasing value key which is maintained in customizing consisting of all the values you can see in this section (underdelivery tolerance, overdelivery tolerance). When you define the key in customizing, the values from the key are transferred to all the fields in this section.

Foreign Trade Import View

Exactly the same view as a foreign trade export view.

Purchase order text View

Exactly the same view as a sales order text view.

Additional data

Besides material master views, we have another level of maintenance in MM01 transaction. It is also with no reference to organizational levels. From any View in material master you can choose button Additional data:

Button for switching to additional data maintenance

Once selected, you can see that we can return to MM Views by clicking on Main Data button.

Product descriptions for various languages in additional data

First tab in additional data is about material description. You saw that we have already maintained material description on Basic View 1, but we have only defined a description for the default language (logon language for user in this session). In additional data, we can define descriptions for any other language needed. For example, I have created description for French language. In our case, material description is the same for both languages (in other cases you might need to translate the description). This is important because if you have a customer from France and they are accepting only french product name, you have to define it here, and set communication language for that customer to French (this is done in SD module and is a point where integration between MM and SD is utilized). Maintenance of alternative units of measure is utilized in the second tab. You can see that there is a record for 1 PCS, which equals to 1 PCS, and this is a record for our base UOM. The other one is 1 PAL equals 12 PCS - it means that our company packages LDC TV sets 40" in the amount of 12 pieces on a pallet. You can add as many alternative UOMs as you like, as well as delete them by using the Delete Line button. Here, you can also maintain all EAN codes for all units of measure. In SD module, you can create sales orders by any unit of measure maintained in material master. So practically it's the same creating sales order for 12 pieces, or 1 pallet.